ATO flags changes to TBAR reporting

New rules are in effect, which will see changes to how SMSFs manage transfer balance lodgement.

World GDP Ranking (1960~2025)

The following animated chart covers the period from 1950 to 2017. It is fascinating to see how the world changes over time.

Make the most of these super opportunities before June 30

With only about four weeks left until the end of this financial year, now's a good time to check your superannuation options.

Work test changes open up TBC strategies for couples

The contribution changes coming in on 1 July will provide more time for spouses in SMSFs to even up their balances and maximise their transfer balance cap, according to an advisory firm.

Talking money with a partner

Here are some factors to consider before you join finances with a partner.

RBA rate rise spurs mixed response from SMSF lenders

While the official interest rate increase has seen some SMSF lenders raise their interest rates, others are holding off for now.

SMSF account openings shift from self-directed to advised clients

The statistics have begun to change coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to new findings from Australian Investment Exchange Limited (AUSIEX).

ATO ramps up identity fraud detection for new SMSFs

Around a quarter of the individuals being identified as high risk under the ATO’s new registrant program have compromised identities, said the ATO.

How advice gets you closer to your goals

A recent Vanguard survey found that investors believed financial advice provides substantial portfolio, financial and emotional value, and got them closer to achieving their financial goals.

Largest cities in the world 1500 to 2100

The information in this chart is fascinating from both an historical perspective as well as what it predicts. It also guarantees you'll be the breakfast table expert every time.