Government to shut down salary sacrifice loophole

The government has announced it will remove a loophole from legislation that allows unscrupulous employers to use their employee’s salary sacrifice contributions to pay their Superannuation Guarantee obligations

Items that heat up your depreciation deductions

With the winter season upon us, a number of property investors may be thinking of doing nothing more than curling up under a rug in front of a wood fire with a good cup of coffee.

Key Economic Indicators, 2017

This month's focus is on Australia's Labour Force and Demography.

Technical expert flags estate planning strategies for 2017-18

With the $1.6 million transfer balance cap now in place, technical experts have identified some of the considerations that will need to be made in relation to death benefits and reversionary pensions.

Why Australian retirees aren’t happy and what we can do about it

When it comes to retirement planning, we could be forgiven for giving ourselves a collective pat on the back here in Australia.

Multiple super accounts in a ‘gig’ society

Just yesterday (23-7-17) a planner's client said 'By the way I located lost super and would like some financial advice please. There are still a couple more lost supers, not located, How should I proceed?  (NB: do not let things simply run because in a few years you'll forget and discovery will be very hard).

Government ‘undermines’ tax system in new moves on property expenses

Newly-released draft legislation, which firms up the 2017 budget move to limit investors’ ability to claim travel expenses and depreciation deductions, will “upset the fundamental basis behind our tax system” according to an accounting body.

Adequacy of savings still a concern among Australians

The latest research into superannuation showed a significant proportion of Australians were still concerned about having enough money saved to fund their retirement.

‘Bank-like heists’ make way for new wave of cyber crime

Identity theft is an increasingly popular method of cyber crime as opposed to “bank-like heists” of the past, and SMSF trustees are a prime target, according to a university professor.

Give your children a saving and investing edge – for life

Perhaps the best way to give your young children a lifetime saving and investing advantage is to ensure they are as financially literate as possible, as early as possible in their lives.