What are the best countries for a comfortable retirement? What countries have the best retirement-income systems? It seems the answers to these questions are rather positive for Australian retirees.
It's hardly surprisingly that a personal finance article in Forbes magazine places the classic and straightforward investment practice of dollar-cost averaging high among a list of tips to help millennials become better, more disciplined investors in 2017.
One of the underlying attributes of Australia's superannuation system is that it starts young adults saving for retirement as soon as they join the workforce.
The Australian government has introduced legislation to Parliament to implement a new string of tax measures to prevent multinationals from profit shifting.
Unfortunately, many people would reach their mid-fifties and conclude that their savings are not on track to finance a satisfactory lifestyle in retirement.
Frank Sinatra's My Way probably hasn't been among the karaoke top 100 for years. Yet its signature lyrics, "regrets, I've had a few", will certainly resonate with all of us – including recent retirees.
An astute way to begin a new year is to take a close look at your personal finances - including your super and non-super investment portfolios and your retirement-saving strategies - and to think about what improvements should be made.